Find A Review

February 28, 2019

The Story of the Bad Little Boy (1875) by Mark Twain

Alright Mark. You got me. Didn't expect this one. 

I've read very little Twain in my day (just Huckleberry Finn umpteen years ago, most of which I skipped over). I'm aware of his cynical, biting satirical streak mostly through reputation and internet quotes but was introduced to it for the first time here. I'm such a fan of turning convention on its head with bitter cynicism, so I loved this story.

Cleverly written with long, winding sentences, The Story of the Bad Little Boy reads like someone from 2019 being transported back to 1865 and asked to comment on the contemporary style of children's storytelling. Twain's irony continues to pile on until it reaches a level darkness that confounded me. The Story of the Bad Little Boy is like an outline of Anne of Green Gables written by George R.R. Martin.

I think we can be friends, Mark Twain. I think you get me.


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