Find A Review

December 28, 2017

A Study in Scarlet (1887) (Sherlock Holmes, #1) by Arthur Conan Doyle

My introductory Holmes experience courtesy of Arthur Conan Doyle. What begins on the strength of character interplay between our two protagonists eventually grows into a shocking sprawl, but the story is better for it. Conan Doyle keeps you guessing and prevents this from falling into the predictable trap occupied by Poe's Dupin stories which inspired it.

The setting is unbeatable. Victorian London is one of the deepest, most enthralling locales in which to set a story, and one I'm endlessly entranced by. But I also found myself hooked immediately by Watson's narrative. Although the story is a competent detective novel, it's consistently elevated by Watson's framing and its willingness to divert on tangents that always end up adding to the story rather than detracting from it.

A fantastic introduction to Conan Doyle's brilliance and one of the most memorable characters of fiction.


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