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September 18, 2016

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

I really don't read too much stuff like this so I'm not sure how great I'm going to be at reviewing it.

'Twist' books like this are always highly recommendable before they're too talked about and the twist is inevitably ruined by its presence in pop culture, which spoils it for people by sheer existential osmosis (looking at you, A Game of Thrones). I feel like I could recommend Dark Matter to my mom, a teenager, a hooker, a priest; you name it. It might be a little bit too mind-bending for idiots, I suppose. But it's pretty consumable, which is a testament to Crouch's talent as a writer.

I consider myself a pretty adept truffle pig when it comes to sniffing out twists and curveballs, and I thought I had this book totally figured out very early on. From the first scene in the car, in fact. I want to try really hard not to spoil anything, so I'll just say that this book did not at all go where I thought it was going. Crouch turns it up to eleven and he completely blew me away. It finishes spectacularly and I found it incredibly satisfying to carve through its climax.

Reading this is like reading Murakami if he were a humorless theoretical physicist rather than a hopeless romantic dreamer. Dark Matter is very concrete and it lacks any poetry or ambiguity. There's nothing too profound going on here. When you whittle away the bells and whistles it's basically just a mind-bending thriller. But sometimes that's enough. It's so tightly plotted and it surprises you so effectively that I'd feel comfortable recommending it to just about anybody.



September 18, 2016 – Started Reading
September 18, 2016 – 
page 312
September 18, 2016 – Finished Reading

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